Full Stack Developer /


Hi, I'm Yunus, a full-stack developer who is currently a key contributor at M3E and co-founder of Codlain. My journey in the tech world is a mix of innovation, technical expertise and a drive to push what is possible with technology.

Professional Journey

My career at M3E has been a remarkable adventure in technology and innovation so far. Starting as a Frontend Developer, I was deeply involved in modernizing outdated websites, finding a powerful synergy in using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. This combination not only streamlined the development process but also enhanced the user experience dramatically.

As I ventured into Backend Development, my role expanded to include the creation and optimization of automation processes. This phase of my career was marked by significant work with PHP (Laravel) and Node.js, with a gradual shift towards Node.js due to its long-term effectiveness and adaptability. These experiences have shaped me into a well-rounded Full Stack Developer, capable of tackling complex challenges in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Leadership, Mentorship and Quality Assurance

At M3E, I have also embraced leadership roles, guiding new team members and overseeing the quality of our projects. I believe in fostering a culture of excellence and continuous learning, where feedback is both a tool for improvement and a catalyst for innovation. This involves ensuring both functionality and maintainability, and I've established a rigorous feedback system for pull request reviews to maintain high standards within our team.

My Entrepreneurial Venture

Parallel to my role at M3E, I co-founded Codlain, a forward-thinking web development company based in Estonia. Codlain is a manifestation of my commitment to utilizing open-source solutions and AI technology. We specialize in accelerating the development process for small businesses, helping them to navigate and succeed in the digital world.

Let's connnect

If you've read this far and are interested in learning more about me and my expertise, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm actively available on Twitter and LinkedIn for messages. For those who would like a more in-depth discussion, feel free to schedule a meeting with me via cal.com, and we can have a conversation online. Alternatively, you can also contact me via email at [myfirstname] @ codlain.com.

I am always open to new connections, collaborations, and opportunities to share insights or discuss potential projects. Let's connect!

Yunus Szönyi